Partnership for Common Sense Government - “No” on Charter Reform

Following are notes from this conversation between Partnership for Common Sense Government and members of the Portland Party and others in attendance. PCSG supports a ‘no’ vote on the proposed city charter reform measure.

  • PCSG does not believe current proposed changes will work

    • They support a change in the current form of government

    • Everyone in PAC has government policy experience; no special interest money

  • Proposed changes

    • City Manager

    • Mayor - not on council / not a tie-breaker

    • 4 Districts; 3 Reps per district

    • Rank Choice Voting

      • 25% of votes needed to win

        • Lack of accountability

        • Incumbents would easily win re-election

        • Confusing to voter - could have 30 people on one ballot to rank

  • $43.8 million estimated cost for first 3 years of transition

    • Not clear on what salaries would be after that; salaries and staff sizes would be determined by another new committee after vote passes

      • Currently council members get around $700k for staff budgets, which should be greatly reduced without bureau oversight needs

  • Mapps working on bringing a proposal forward to city council if vote fails in November

    • Hoping Ryan and Wheeler would be on board for 3 votes to pass

    • Could be possible in May 2023

  • Ballot alternative announced now?

    • PCSG not interested in pursuing; talking with Mapps and hoping council will solve the issue that way

  • Messaging is all-or-nothing with voters right now

    • Alisa will talk to PCSG and Ulysses PAC (Mapps’ PAC) to see if they can work on countering that message

    • Charter Commission cartoon pushes message that we have to do this now or wait another 10 years

  • PCSG feels district representation could be better

    • Yes to city manager

    • Yes to districts, but single member

      • 6 Portland Public School districts; could be as easy as using those

      • Studies show 5-9 representatives is recommended number

  • “Charter” is a word most people aren’t familiar with to understand what they are undertaking

    • Representative government might be a better way to word it

    • We’ve been promised this repeatedly but not delivered

    • Districts (more than 4) would increase accountability

  • Let’s get ‘back to basics’ - most of us thought we were voting on a basic question regarding the form of government

    • Strong mayor / city manager / etc options, not all of the other stuff they lumped in

    • Stabilize / clean / analyze - add other items as we see positive changes

  • Nothing changed after April proposal and final public comments flooded in begging to separate

  • What is the local media’s position on this? PCSG tracking; not sure if media has taken a side

  • No logical message to voting yes or no out there right now

    • Figure it out yourself

    • Complex - we need a simple message

      • Portland Party - we’ll have alternative ballot measure(s) ready so you can feel secure in voting no

  • Partnership for Common Sense Government is raising money now for PAC messaging

    • Event 9/6 - please feel free to join to ask further questions from PCSG!


The Ulysses PAC


Mingus Mapps Town Hall 7.19.22 - Charter Response Notes