Future Portland Media Coverage

  • At District 1 Candidate Forum, Candidates Debate Policing and Public Safety in East Portland

    Rose City Reform

  • One of our founding members discusses how and why she got involved in local politics, found like-minded new friends, and how you can, too!

    Rational In Portland

  • Our co-founder discusses our May 2024 election endorsements for Multnomah County.

    Rational In Portland

  • More than a dozen people gave testimony before the vote, with some supporters reading from a prepared script sent out by The Portland Party, a political action committee that supports “pragmatic Portland Metro area candidates and ballot measures.”

    OPB Article

    *Please note this refers to our previous name, Portland Party

  • Hear one of our founding members discuss how we got started, along with snippets of information about recent local elections and the charter review process.

    Apple Podcast

    *Please note this refers to our previous name, Portland Party
    Spotify Podcast

    *Please note this refers to our previous name, Portland Party