Vote for Vadim Mozyrsky
Multnomah County District 1 Commissioner
We support and endorse Vadim Mozyrsky for Multnomah County District 1 (SW, NW & Inner SE PDX). Why? Well, mainly because of his background as a federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) administrative judge. This means his day job was helping people jump through hoops and paperwork to try and get them their deserved status from the federal government. He understands the cracks in our systems and is demanding accountability and oversight of our tax dollars and the programs we are funding to help our most vulnerable residents.
Multnomah County is the health and human services authority, in charge of handling addiction, mental health, and homelessness. When Vadim ran for Portland City Council two years ago, he realized all of the questions voters were asking him were regarding those topics, and they are not the city’s job to deal with. They’ve been trying to fill in the gaps where the county is failing, and Vadim recognizes that and understands the systems.
Vadim also helped the ADA plaintiffs find a lawyer that would help them sue the City of Portland pro-bono when Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) refused multiple times to help these people who were being denied their federal right to clear sidewalks. Vadim’s strongest opponent, Meghan Moyer, is the Director of Public Policy for DRO, who opposed Portland City Council’s ‘camping ban’ ordinance and also testified in opposition to the Oregon State Legislature’s House Bill 4002, the bill that “fixed” the Measure 110 drug law. Meghan is more of the status quo. If you want to see meaningful change in Multnomah County, please vote for Vadim!